Advantages of Opportunity Zones and 1031s

Proactive Solutions To Address Your Taxable Event

Looking for ways to offset your long-term capital gains? We can help!

Have you considered the Qualified Opportunity Zone Program?

The Qualified Opportunity Zone Program was created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 as a tax-incentive program designed to encourage long-term private sector investments.

Investors, which can be individuals and certain entities, may receive a combination of potential tax benefits when short and/or long-term capital gains are invested in Qualified Opportunity Funds and held for the required timeframe.

Opt-in today to gain clarity about the program and learn about the potential tax advantages. When you opt-in, you’ll receive an educational video to watch at your leisure.

Meet The Facilitators From Pinnacle Financial Wealth Management

Pinnacle Financial Wealth Management is a private financial firm dedicated to providing holistic financial management and proactive tax strategies to high net-worth individuals, CPA's, fellow advisors, and attorneys. As founder and owner of Pinnacle Financial Wealth Management for more than 25 years, I have extensive background in financial planning, with a specific expertise in working with CPAs and I host the Proactive Tax Strategies Podcast that showcases strategies that can be used to enhance tax savings for individuals. I'm dedicated to discovering options for income and retirement planning with a definitive strategy to reduce taxes.

As a team based consultant, I help CPAs: reduce the risks that come from referring clients to a third party, reduce the risk of losing clients by being more proactive, provide more value and increase client satisfaction, and increase organic growth by giving clients a story worth sharing with family and friends.

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Pinnacle Financial Wealth Management

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The potential tax benefits of investing in a QOF apply to federal income taxes. Tax benefits fall into three categories: Deferral, Reduction, and Elimination.

In order to receive tax benefits through the QOZ Program, investors must recognize capital gains from the sale of an asset and, generally, invest those gains into a QOF within 180 days of selling the asset. However, there is flexibility in the timing for certain capital gains.

Due to the complexities of the QOZ Program, individuals considering an investment in a QOF should consult a qualified professional for financial, tax, and legal advice.

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